Last Updated on April 25, 2022 by Showrooms Online

Project Management

Project Management is the key to a successful home renovation project. Planning and Scheduling are the two skills that run from the very beginning to the very end of every project. A well-run project will meet your expectations and be completed reasonably close to on time and on budget. However, there is no limit to the overruns that can occur on a badly managed project.

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project management
Image by Gert Altmann from Pixabay

Define the goals of your project and describe them in some detail, including a timeline and milestones, so that the overall project progress can be measured as each part of the work is completed. Make a list of all the things that have to get done in order to reach these goals. This list forms the scope of work.

The scope of work is the basis for executing the whole of a project. A definitive scope of work is needed to do the design and to prepare the specifications. The scope of work is the basis for the budget, the contracting, the ordering, and the scheduling.

Every project that starts with a vague or incomplete scope of work is headed for failure.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” (attributed to Yogi Berra)