Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by Showrooms Online

Business Process Models

BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation, current version) is a standard diagramming language for specifying business processes. This standardization provides organizations the ability to communicate these processes in a standard manner.

BPM is the key to business process management. It depicts visually the detailed sequence of activities and flows of information needed to complete a process. Excellent for communications.

Images by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The standard is maintained and managed by the Object Management Group, OMG. The Object Management Group® Standards Development Organization (OMG® SDO) is an international (27 countries), membership-driven (230+ organizations) and not-for-profit consortium.

Nearly every process modelling tool is based on BPMN in some fashion making it the preferred tool tool to learn and use. There are many diagramming tools online with some free and premium software.


Lucidchart is my choice.

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Lucidchart is the intelligent diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future.”  BPMN diagrams are very powerful process modelling charts with capabilities far exceeding 2D flowcharts.


The modelling diagrams are familiar and have been around for many years. Somewhat surprising is that, even now, a majority of organizations have not taken advantage of these simple tools. The paradigm shift in 2023 was the introduction of AI at a new and impressive level of capabilities. The efficiencies and competitiveness of all businesses will eventually be impacted in a big way.

The time to adapt is now.

The process modelling tools can now be linked to data bases and spreadsheets such as Google Sheets and Excel, integrated with AI applications and automated with built in relatively simple Python coded applications. Process models can now flow in real time.

There are immediate and long lasting benefits from understanding the details of all your business processes and using the timely information and knowledge that can be generated from process models.

Benefits of Business Process Modelling

Key Benefits of Business Process Modeling

  • Align Operations with Business Strategy
  • Improve Process Communication
  • Design in Control and Consistency
  • Enhance Operational Efficiencies
  • Realize a Competitive Advantage
process analysis


Artificial intelligence, process automation, and process modelling now combine to offer a whole new level of total quality control and continuous improvement.

Process Automation with BPMN and Python

A Visual Workflow Library for Python

SpiffWorkflow allows your python application to process BPMN diagrams (think of them as very powerful flow charts) to accomplish what would otherwise require writing a lot of complex business logic in your code.”

The beginner’s guide to using BPMN in your day to day business

“One of the most significant benefits of BPMN lies in its ability to produce flow charts that are as simple or as complex as needed.”

“A 2016 survey found that 64% of businesses are interested in adopting BPMN to simplify their business processes. The goal is simple for most companies: save money by reducing costs and improving productivity.”  

Microsoft 365 Team, October 1, 2019

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