Last Updated on September 26, 2021 by Showrooms Online

Great Information on Heat Pumps

BC Hydro is a great source of information on heat pumps. The climate in the southern areas of BC is ideal for heating your home with a heat pump. Victoria is the mildest place in Canada and, even in the winter, the temperatures do not stay below freezing for very long.

Heat pump technology and performance is rather complex to understand. In simple terms, a heat pump is like your fridge operating backward. However, you don’t need to understand the thermodynamics of a heat pump to save money on your heating bills.

Choose a good heating contractor and let them provide all the expertise for a properly sized and correctly installed system. Just educate yourself enough to know what questions to ask and to evaluate your options.

information on heat pumps
Image by HarmvdB from Pixabay

Considering a heat pump? Info and tips

BC Hydro Power smart

The BC Hydro website also includes a lot of good information on rebate programs. The place to start is to get an energy evaluation of your home and an EnerGuide rating. This evaluation is likely a requirement to qualify for available grants.

A real-life example is described in detail HERE.

Heating and Cooling With a Heat Pump

NR Canada

Heat Pump Efficiency

How Heat Pump Efficiency is Graded

Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters

A heat pump can also be used to heat your hot water. Hot water heating is a major expense after the cost of heating your house.

Read our blog on hot water heat pumps

Heat Pumps Will Replace Natural Gas