Last Updated on April 29, 2021 by Showrooms Online

Heat Recovery Ventilation System

Heat recovery ventilation system means installing a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) to provide continuous fresh air. New homes built to better airtight standards now require continuous mechanical ventilation to meet the building code. New homes, built to the current code, now have higher energy efficiency and also have better indoor air quality.

Rigid foam SilveRboard Graphite XS
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Choosing between an HRV and an ERV?

Understanding the difference between an HRV and an ERV is a bit tricky. (especially the function of an ERV which transfers the humidity (enthalpy) in the air as well as the sensible heat) An article that will help you gain a working knowledge is here.

This in-depth guide is worth the read if you are so inclined.

Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems

There are a wide range of features and the cost varies accordingly. My own inclination is to buy the best. The cost is one time and you will benefit from the comfort and cost savings the whole time you live in the house.

The easy way to learn what is possible is to watch the following video. Kick back and relax and learn from Matt Risinger, one of the best communicators in the business of homebuilding.

If you do one thing, watch this video before you decide on a HRV or ERV.

Make note of the efficiency, the control features, and the MERV13 filters!