Last Updated on August 31, 2022 by Showrooms Online

Converting the Visitors to Your Website

Your website and social media postings are a central part of your online marketing strategy. If your digital marketing is going to deliver any new business, converting some of the visitors to your website into leads is your goal.

Converting the visitors to your website requires learning what it is that they are looking for. A website visitor found you based on the keyword search phrase that Google just used to decide to list your website in the search results. At a minimum, your content is at least in the ballpark of their interest.

Converting the Visitors to Your Website
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Homeowners searching for information on renovations are doing research and are basically looking to educate themselves on their options and to get ideas. Offer something in return for the small commitment of giving you an email address. It gives you the chance to start building a relationship.”

Listen here to our recent blog on Converting Leads

Converting Deep Energy Retrofit Leads or read the blog here

Moving the potential client along the path of this awareness and understanding is the goal of our blog hub, Showrooms Online. Not just providing leads, but better informed leads that are more likely to convert and will be a pleasure to work with.

Choosing a Renovator to Contact A recent blog we wrote on this same subject