Last Updated on January 11, 2023 by Showrooms Online

A Marketing Strategy for Renovators

Creating a marketing strategy is the first step before any goal setting or detail planning takes place. A strategy is based on a theory of your current and trending market environment and your competition. A strategy defines the integrated choices you believe are best for your company in your current market. A strategy sets the direction in which to set your goals and aim your action plans. Success will follow.

It is critical to understand that a plan is not a strategy. Let Roger Martin explain.

A NEW WAY TO THINK watch the video, A Plan Is Not a Strategy

a strategy for renovators
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A Digital Marketing Strategy

Referrals and repeat business are the backbone of your renovation business but digital marketing for a major part of the balance is essential.

Every homeowner planning a renovation starts with online research. A renovator needs to get found online, before a competitor. Then, nurture these clients as early as possible in their journey.

Getting found online in a home renovation search requires a website that has excellent and informative content.

Digital marketing will be a combination of Pay Per Click (PPC) ads on Google and Social Media and Content Marketing (a blog optimized for search). Visibility on social media is required as part of the plan. PPC, blog content and optimization and social media all demand some skills and some consulting help will go a long way. All are more complicated than they appear if you are to get results. Expertise is essential.

Your strategy needs to target the right visitors. The right visitors will convert at a much better rate and result in more projects that play to your skills and expertise. You will close projects at a price that allows you to make a better profit. Sales resources and expenses will be more efficient when you start with the better quality leads. Traffic volume not in your target market is time consuming and inefficient. Look for quality over quantity.

A Clearly Defined Target Audience

The online target audience for home buying and renovations is Millennials, Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, they are now 26 to 40 years old. They are now starting and raising families and are the main demand behind buying homes and renovating.

This demographic, of home buying age has grown up online. If they don’t find you online, they won’t find you at all.

The leading edge of well educated millennials is also well into their careers and have the finances to undertake a renovation project. Get to know what millennial age home buyers are currently looking for. They are more aware and concerned about energy efficiency. They are attracted to smart home features. They are more aware of indoor air quality and the resulting heath benefits. This will differentiate your company from your competitors and help convert leads to customers..

Any digital marketing plan needs to focus on the millennial demographic as a strategy. Demographic data is a powerful factor since it is accurate. All the people in the target group are already born, there is no guesswork.

The baby boomers generation changed every market as they aged over the decades. Now is the time for millennials.

Nurture Your Leads

Leads may still have a multi month journey to making a decision. Keeping in contact with regular information of value may help with the eventual conversion to a client. But what to send them. Know your target market.

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are generally interested in the following when buying a new house:

  1. Location: Millennials tend to prioritize location over the size or features of a house. They prefer walkable, urban areas with access to public transportation, dining, and entertainment.
  2. Technology: Many millennials are tech-savvy and look for houses that include smart home technology, such as the ability to control lighting and temperature remotely.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Many millennials have environmentally conscious and therefore prefer houses that are energy-efficient, with features such as solar panels, or energy-efficient appliances.
  4. Flexibility: They tend to look for houses that offer some degree of flexibility, such as the ability to convert a room into a home office, or a backyard that can be used for gardening or entertainment.
  5. Personalization: Many millennials want to personalize their living space, and therefore look for houses that offer opportunities for renovation, improvement or adding a personal touch.

Online Traffic

Focus on attracting visitors from your target market. Quality leads vs volume will lead to better marketing performance. A Marketing Strategy for Renovators leads to success.

A Marketing Strategy for Renovators
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixa

Converting Deep Energy Retrofit Leads, a previous blog from Showrooms Online

Improving your conversion rate is far easier than increasing your website traffic. Optimizing conversions has the best near term potential for improving your online marketing.