Last Updated on February 18, 2021 by Showrooms Online

Self watering containers and self watering raised beds make gardening easier . Also, they deliver the moisture that your plants need to grow when you forget or have to go away for a few days. Self watering containers also use less water. The design greatly reduces the amount of evaporation.

Featured image Image by Bernd Strohbach Dr. med. from Pixabay

Raised Gardening Beds

My own experience with a raised bed garden also has the self watering feature. The raised bed was rectangular, (about 4 feet by 4 feet) and 16 inches high. However, with a little bit of planning, you can grow a remarkable amount of vegetables in this relatively small space.

My own experience is with green beans and tomatoes. The box has a water reservoir in the bottom with a capacity of about 40 gallons. It has a fill tube (in the top left-hand corner if you look closely). There is an overflow, just fill it until the water starts coming out.

Self Watering Containers and Raised Beds

A raised garden has the added benefit of being accessible from 4 sides. Plus, less bending to weed.

I did water the beans and tomatoes at first. The wicking action left the soil too dry at the top, However, once they were established it seemed to do the job along with the usual rains.

Self Watering Containers

I am an amateur gardener by any standard. For that reason, I searched the internet for some true experts.

Deep Green Permaculture

This blog renewed my interest in permaculture. Learning about permaculture is worth the education, even if you live in a high rise condo.

“Self-watering containers are a must-have if you’re forgetful, live in a hot or dry climate, or you’re just not home very often. They’re also helpful if your containers are in an area that’s not convenient to a water spigot, such as a balcony, if you’re growing plants that don’t like to dry out, or if the plants don’t like getting their leaves wet.”

The video is well worth the watch

Learn about self watering containers for yourself. Google it and all sorts of products and information will pop up.

plant a garden

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