Last Updated on April 6, 2021 by Showrooms Online

Rigid Foam SilveRboard Graphite XS

Rigid foam SilveRboard Graphite XS is installed as continuous insulation covering on exterior walls. This article started as an overview of insulation practices in new homes and in renovations. The building science of insulation quickly grew beyond the scope of a single blog. Therefore, I am focusing on above-grade exterior walls and a specific product that I saw on a custom house in construction nearby.

Rigid foam SilveRboard Graphite XS

images by Stuart Miles courtesy of freedigital

Building Science

Being knowledgeable in building science means understanding how your house works as a system. The heating of your home represents half of all the energy use needed to stay warm in a Canadian winter. As a result, insulation is the first place to look for energy efficiency and potential savings. Building science includes the flow of heat, air, and moisture, and these factors need to be considered together. Enough about the science, here is what I learned by becoming aware of current residential construction practices.

The Building Envelope

This house illustrates the use of continuous rigid insulation. The application of the insulation panels to the outside of the exterior walls has many advantages.

This custom home is being built by Mills Builder (website)

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Keeping The Heat In / How Your House Works

“Understanding how your house works before starting a retrofit will help ensure that the job meets your expectations and that you will not be causing new issues while resolving old ones. This chapter explains how building science principles can help you control the flow of heat, air and moisture, and why you must consider these factors together.”

Natural Resources Canada

Features of SilveRboard Graphite XS

  • Continuous airtight construction
  • Ease of installation
  • Reduced thermal bridging
  • Better R value
  • Permeable
  • Graphite reflects infrared, slows heat flow

Insulate Your Home Like a Polar Bear

“Guard hairs on the polar bear prevent heat loss by absorbing heat in the form of infrared radiation.”

“The hairs’ ability to absorb radiation is especially high at the specific part of the infrared spectrum where mammals tend to radiate heat most strongly.”

This is natures way of doing what the graphite in the EPS rigid foam does. A thermographic camera will show a darker blueish colour when your home insulation is well designed and installed. Check out this polar bear who lives outside in -30C.

Indoor Air Quality and Understanding Filtration